Magazine Communication P. Ltd is a specialized company offering a comprehensive solution for individuals and businesses interested in subscribing, advertising, or contributing to Indian and international magazines.

This service offers a quick and efficient single window solution to meet all your needs. The company offers efficient service and competitive discounts for all transactions, ensuring time and money savings. The company aims to streamline and efficiently provide a variety of magazines, catering to diverse customer needs.
It provides a comprehensive service for magazines, offering convenience, cost savings, and a wide range of options in one place. Discover affordable magazine subscriptions that cater to your budget without compromising on quality.

Key Services Offered by Magazine Communication P. Ltd:

Magazine Subscriptions:

The company offers a diverse range of Indian and international magazines, enabling easy subscription through their platform, making it an ideal choice for those seeking regular access to their preferred publications.

Advertising Solutions:

Magazine Communication P. Ltd provides advertising services for businesses and individuals, offering competitive pricing and prime ad placement opportunities through its extensive network of publications, ensuring effective targeting of the target audience.

Article Submission:

The company provides a platform for writers and content creators to submit articles for publication in various magazines, offering exposure and professional development opportunities for those seeking reputable publication.

Efficient Service:

Magazine Communication P. Ltd is a fast and efficient service provider that simplifies transactions by acting as an intermediary between customers and magazines.

Competitive Discounts:

Magazine Communication P. Ltd offers competitive discounts for subscribers, advertisers, and article submissions, saving customers time and money on subscriptions, advertisements, and article submissions.

Benefits of Using Magazine Communication P. Ltd:

Single Window Solution:

The company serves as a centralized hub for all magazine-related requirements, simplifying customer management of subscriptions, advertising, and article submissions.

Time and Cost Efficiency:

The company offers streamlined processes and competitive pricing, enabling customers to save both time and money.

Wide Selection:

The company provides a wide selection of magazines to cater to customers’ interests and business needs.

Expertise and Network:

Magazine Communication P. Ltd, with a comprehensive understanding of the magazine industry and robust relationships with various publications, guarantees exceptional customer service.


Server-Side Programming Languages: PHP
Client- Side Programming Languages & Libraries: Jquery, AMP
CDN: Cloudflare


24×7 Internet Technologies was responsible for the development of the Magazine Communication P. Ltd website, which was developed using PHP. The website likely had several essential features that efficiently supported the company’s services. Here’s some possible functionalities implemented:

Subscription Management System:

  •  User Registration and Login: The system was designed to ensure user safety and privacy by securely managing their registration and login credentials.
  •  Magazine Catalog: Created a comprehensive catalog featuring Indian and international magazines, enabling users to browse, search, and select subscription options.
  •  Subscription Process: The subscription process has been simplified by offering users the option to subscribe to one or multiple magazines, with various subscription plans and payment options.
  •  Subscription Management: The dashboard provided a user-friendly interface for users to view, renew, or cancel their subscriptions.

Advertising Platform:

  •  Ad Placement Interface: The interface allows businesses and individuals to customize magazines, ad types, and placement options based on their target audience and budget.
  •  Pricing Calculator: The pricing calculator has been integrated to offer instant quotes based on specific ad specifications, enabling users to make informed decisions.
  •  Ad Submission and Tracking: The platform offered advertisers comprehensive tools for submitting ad content and monitoring their performance through detailed analytics.

Article Submission Portal:

  •  Content Creator Dashboard: The dashboard was designed to enable writers and content creators to submit articles, track submission status, and view publication schedules.
  •  Editorial Workflow: The editorial workflow was implemented to streamline the review, editing, and approval of submitted articles before they are published in magazines.
  •  Publishing Options: Content creators were able to select from a list of magazines for article submissions based on their intended readership and interests.

Discount Management:

  •  Discount Codes: The system has been implemented to provide competitive pricing and promotional discounts on subscriptions, advertisements, and article submissions.
  •  Bulk Discounts: The company has introduced bulk discount options for users who subscribe to multiple magazines or place multiple advertisements.

Content Management System (CMS):

  •  Magazine Content Updates: Created a CMS for efficient management and updates of magazine content, including descriptions, cover images, and pricing.
  •  SEO Optimization: The website has been optimized for search engines, enhancing its visibility and attracting more users to the platform.

Analytics and Reporting:

  •  User Analytics: The company utilizes integrated analytics tools to track user behavior, subscription trends, and ad performance, offering valuable insights for business decision-making.
  •  Sales Reports: The company has produced comprehensive reports on sales, subscriptions, and ad revenues to effectively monitor its financial performance.

Security Features:

  •  Data Encryption: The company implemented robust security measures to safeguard user data and transactions, ensuring industry standard compliance.
  •  Access Control: The platform’s integrity was maintained by managing access control for various user roles, including admin, editor, and advertiser.